21 Nov 2008
中四級學習活動日(一) –文物保護
為了喚起學生對歷史的興趣,本校安排了中四甲、乙及丙班學生於學習活動日(一) 參觀香港文化博物館及到曾大屋作古蹟考察,中四丁及戊班學生透過素描美利樓、展覽廰,赤柱大街,天后廟及赤柱廣場,讓他們更認識中西及新舊建築物的特式。
Students waiting for entering the exhibition hall of Ancient Olympics at Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Mr Kwok and S. 4E students taking a photo at the entrance of Stanley Plaza
Boys working on their sketches
Students sketching at a corridor in Murray House from which a 1-point perspective shows
Students like working in a group
Ms Ho, a Art teacher guiding a student to sketch better
Students learning how to get water from the well in Tsang Tai Uk
Students listening to teacher's introduction of Tsang Tai Uk building character
Students playing with the puppy of one resident in Tsang Tai Uk
Students visiting the ancestral shrine of Tsang Tai Uk