20 Nov 2018


18-19 學年英文節已於十一月十九日至十一月二十四日順利舉行,是次主題為「健康校園生活」。本校希望能夠藉著這個為期一週的活動提高學生對英文的興趣。活動內容主要由中四同學及來自不同級別的英文隊長策劃。中四同學在午膳及課後負責主持攤位遊戲,參與遊戲的中一同學都表示很享受今次活動。在校門守候的英文隊長則負責邀請路經的同學猜迷語。其他活動包括Dialogue for Drinks(參加者可以朗讀句子換取飲品)、校園尋寶、歌唱比賽、班際問答比賽等等。

  • Lucky draw as part of an oral English game

  • Students reading a famous poem during “Dialogue for Drinks”

  • Students playing an oral English game related to the food pyramid

  • Students reciting a poem with gestures

  • Students seeing their scores after an English Fest Kahoot! game

  • Students playing scrabble as a part of English Fest

  • Students using mobile devices answer questions related to English idioms and other trivia

  • Students playing an English word game with one of the English teachers

  • Student preparing for the English Fest singing competition