24 Sep 2018
第十屆學生會論壇在九月廿一日舉行。本年度共有兩個候選內閣「Genesis」及「Untitled」,他們於論壇上各自分享了政綱及回答同學們的質詢。在九月廿四日,佔全體百分之八十四的同學為是次學生會選舉投下了神聖一票,Untitled獲得三百八十九票,而Genesis獲得三百三十四票。Untitled 當選為本校第十屆學生會。
Wong Nicole, President of Nominated Cabinet – Untitled, delivering her speech in Student Council Forum
Chan Sze Win, President of Nominated cabinet – Genesis, delivering her speech in Student Council Forum
CFSS students are eager to raise their questions to both nominated cabinets in Student Council Forum
Students witnessing the counting of votes
Students waiting for the voting result
Assistant Principal Kwok announcing that Untitled is elected the 10th Student Council in the school