07 Nov 2019
為了同學達至身心社交健康,本校每年均舉行大型運動比賽。今年11月7日,在維多利亞公園泳池成功舉辦了第十九屆水運會。當日在何廸信校長致辭及宣佈,四社代表宣誓後,馬上展開各場激烈比賽。 比賽項目包括,50公尺的背、蛙、蝶、自,與及一百公尺的蛙泳及自由式。賽後,何廸信校長陪同主禮嘉賓—家長教師會主席李佩佩女士,為各運動員頒獎。在獲得四項新的大會紀錄下,本屆水運會在全場高唱校歌聲中圓滿閉幕。茲列本屆各項成績如下;
Our Principal, Mr. Ho T.S. presented souvenir to the Guest of Honour: Ms. Yvonne Lee, Chairperson of CFSS PTA
Our Principal presented souvenir to the representative of Victoria Park Swimming Pool for their assistance in running the Meet
Swimmers representing their houses
Boys and girls enjoyed the Indoor Swimming Pool Competition
Boys and girls enjoyed the Indoor Swimming Pool Competition
Co-Champion Winners in A Grade Individual Champion
Wong Chor Kiu awarded A Grade Individual Champion
Cheering Champion goes to Orange House
Yellow House won the Overall Champion this year