23 Sep 2019
第十一屆學生會選舉由Symphony與Polaris競逐。兩支候選內閣一同參與了於2019年9月18日舉行的選舉論壇,向同學表達了參選抱負與政綱,並回應了來自各年級的提問。 投票日於9月23日在學校禮堂進行,共有78.7%的同學投票。投票結果如下:Symphony得票一百五十四張,Polaris則得票四百零六張。換言之,Polaris當選為第十一屆學生會。
Junior-form students were lining up, waiting to get their ballot paper at the entrance of the Hall.
A senior-form student was getting her ballot paper at the entrance of the Hall.
Students were waiting to enter the voting area.
The counting of votes was held after school at Room 201.
The counting of votes was held after school at Room 201.
The election result was released immediately after the counting of votes.