19 Dec 2009
本校的學生於簡介會中獲益良多,不但可從黃健康教授與各個講者嘉賓身上認識到現今I.T.行業的趨勢和發展,還可以了解到大學的有關課程以及其收生程序和要求等重要升學資料。 為了進一步提高學生的興趣,有關學系更邀請了該系的高材生介紹學系中不同的研究重地,以及讓學生們親身感受和使用由該系學生由構思到成品的機械/電腦裝置,讓學生可以從另一個角度感受到I.T.的重要性和發展,從而對I.T. 有更深入的了解和認識。
Mr. Liu, a guest speaker from the Association of Mobile Technology and Education.
The demonstrator trying to show how to write a program to control hardware in Windows platform.
A student trying the innovative Virtual Reality (VR) systems.
Our students experiencing the 3D simulation system.
A student trying to interact with the robot system.
A student trying to interact with the robot system.
Students discussing with Professor Wong Kin-hong for the admission procedures and criteria.
Our students trying the face detection systems.
A student trying to interact with the robot system.
Steven Lau, a guest speaker from Microsoft.