27 Aug 2011
本校六位高清校園電視台的中四同學(隊員包括王詩焯[S.4A]、何珮璇[S.4C] 、關美怡[S.4C]、馬穎怡[S.4C]、伍尚武[S.4C]及余馥盈[S.4C])的參賽作品「府毒畢吃怡」在其中一項的比賽-”Drug-free Happy Me”短片創作中獲得學校組的亞軍。
Group photo in the CFSS HD Campus TV studio
Certificate received by the student-director Ho Pui Shuen (S.4C) in the prize presentation ceremony
Video production in progress
The critical twist of the story (Left to right: Ng Shun Mo [S.4C], Kwan Mei Yi [S.4C] and Mahboobani Vanessa Ramesh [S.4C]
Creating the story through group discussion
Editing in the CFSS HD Campus TV studio