22 May 2011
2011年微軟辦公室軟件核心技能世界大賽 (香港及澳門地區選拔賽) – Microsoft Excel (冠軍), 以及 Microsoft Word (亞軍)
微軟辦公室軟件核心技能世界大賽每年都會在全球不同的國家舉行。今年將會有70個國家的中學和大專學生參加,以爭取在微軟辦公室軟件核心技能世界大賽中脫穎而出。 在剛過去的星期日 (2011年5月22日), 香港和澳門地區比賽展開,本校的同學盧嘉謙 (S.5B) 於微軟試算表軟件 (EXCEL) 比賽中獲得冠軍;陳旻炫同學 (S.5B) 則於微軟文書處理軟件(WORD) 比賽獲得亞軍。 在此,我們恭喜同學在比賽中取得非常優悅的成績。
盧嘉謙同學於2010 年亦被挑選前往美國代表香港參賽,結果在微軟文書處理軟件(WORD)組別中勇奪世界賽亞軍 。 今年他更特意挑選較為艱深的微軟試算表軟件 (EXCEL)組別作賽。 盧嘉謙同學 亦會在今年8月亦會前赴美國加洲參加全球比賽,所有開支由有關機構贊助。 在此,我們祝願盧嘉謙同學在比賽中一切順利。
2011 Worldwide Competition on Microsoft Office (HK & MACAU Region) was held on 22/5/2011
Chan Man Yuen has won the 2nd place at the Microsoft Office Word Worldwide Competition 2011 (HK & MACAU Region)
Lo Ka Him has won the 1st place at the Microsoft Office Excel Worldwide Competition 2011 (HK & MACAU Region) He is in 2nd place at Microsoft Office Word Worldwide Competition 2010. (International)
Both winners taking a photo at the competition venue.
Sze Tan Ni was selected to participate in the game of Microsoft Word. This is her first attempt in the I.T. competition and she received an excellent score in the game. (i.e. 933/1000)
Wan Kin Long was selected to participate in the game of Microsoft Excel. He was scored 962/1000 in the game.
Students staying in the computer laboratory for practice.
laboratory for practice. Students trying their best to get all questions correct in the shortest period of time.
Students sharing their ideas and findings on enhancing the speed in answering questions.