10 Mar 2011

Microsoft 創意教育論壇2011

承蒙 Microsoft (HK) 的邀請,本校的老師和學生參與了Microsoft 創意教育論壇2011,並在論壇中與不同的學者和公眾分享了我們在雲端技術(Cloud Computing) 由設立至技術維護上的心得,以及在應用電腦科技於教育項目上的實踐經驗。

  • Students explaining the concepts on Cloud Computing to a visitor

  • Students explaining the concepts on Cloud Computing to a visitor

  • Students explaining the concepts on Cloud Computing to a visitor

  • Students demonstrating the working model (Server and Client) to a guest

  • Students demonstrating the working model (Server and Client) to a guest

  • Students demonstrating the working model (Server and Client) to a guest

  • Our I.C.T. students sharing the findings to visitors

  • Our I.C.T. students sharing the findings to visitors

  • Our I.C.T. students sharing the findings to visitors