07 Jul 2012
環保青年論壇:勇奪「創意點子TAKE ACTION」最優秀學校隊伍大獎
「GO FUN低碳達人」項目由世界自然基金會香港分會主辦。我校共有六位「低碳達人」(4A何穎琪、4A吳國集、4A崔雍建、4A王雅瑩、4D林凱晴同學及何迪信老師)組隊參與是次計劃,在過去一年於校內及區內積極推廣環保工作,活動包括:
- 拍攝低碳達人連續劇
- 舉辦講座:劉登立先生分享黃土高原復修工作
- 推行「食得自然」系列
- 於香港中華基督教青年會柴灣中心擺設展覽攤位,主題為“氣候變化:低碳救『冰』大募集”
- 於學校有蓋操場設置回到未來 - 迷宮大冒險
我校成功由24間參與學校突圍而出,被評為「創意點子TAKE ACTION最優秀學校」,吳國集同學更獲得「最積極參與獎」,學校隊伍獲邀於七月七日(星期六)在香港城市大學惠卿劇院所舉行的環保青年論壇分享一年內的環保工作,更於七月中參與台灣低碳之旅。
Our Guru Team being interviewed by Hong Kong Economic Times
Our Team’s showcase
Our team supported by Principal and several schoolmates in the Forum
Reflection corner of low carbon gurus
Professor Yep sharing his political views on society and environmental conservation
Twinkle and Lillian presenting their action plans to the audience
Lillian explaining the details of our tailor-made film show in the Forum
Our team receiving “The Best Performing School Team Award” from Dr. Adam Koo, CEO of WWF(HK)
A group photo with another team with outstanding performance, Good Hope School
A group photo of our Guru Team with Principal
Principal sharing our school’s effort to promote sustainability to Mr. Joe Wong from the Council for Sustainable Development
promote sustainability to Mr. Joe Wong from the Council for Sustainable Development Our school and the team from Good Hope School will represent WWF to join the low-carbon camp in Taiwan