10 Mar 2012


我校有幸參與三月十日由中大樹木計劃及綠色教育工作小組所主辦的「樹、鳥、蝶之科學與藝術展覽」,同學除欣賞由音樂歌唱家董丹斌老師現場演出之《蒼天造化靜心靈》展覽主題曲,更出席展覽講座,包括林超英先生之「觀自然 得開心」、謝約翰先生之「蝴蝶攝影分享」及孔慶玲女士之「綠色養生之道」,最後也觀看了由國際知名劉登立導演所拍攝的環保紀錄電影系列《氣候轉變中的希望》。同學們明白到環保教育的重要,並過了一個輕鬆愉快的下午。

  • Mr. George Jor, Convenor of CU Tree Project, welcoming us on arrival

  • Jason and Samson leaving their comments on the Exhibition Tree

  • Students getting the Burmese Rosewood specimen as their souvenirs

  • A Burmese Rosewood(Pterocarpus indicus) specimen

  • Students attentively listening to the butterfly species introduced by the tour guide

  • A tour guide explaining how butterflies camouflaged to protect themselves during pollination

  • The exhibition starting with an unveiling ceremony

  • Mr. Lam Chiu-Ying, the former director of the Hong Kong Observatory, telling the public how breathtaking the sky is

  • Ms. Catherine Hung doing exercise with the audience to promote green living

  • The audience appreciating the livelihood of butterflies in their habitats in the talk by Mr. John Tse

  • An impressive film show “Hope in a Changing Climate”

  • Our group photo with professional butterfly photographer Mr. John Tse (left)