27 Nov 2011
本校中五甲班學生及未來領袖於十一月二十七日參加了由東區家長教師聯會舉辦之「2011親子堆沙比賽暨繽紛同樂日」,活動目的乃提昇學生創意能力及團體合作精神。本年度堆沙比賽主題為「香港名勝」。本校今年乃第三年參與此項比賽,學生於比賽中成功發揮創意及團隊精神, 最後於中學組再度獲得季軍。.
Students preparing and practising for the competition.
Students preparing and practising for the competition.
Students collecting the water from the sea to the competition area
Students starting to outline the structure of the sand sculpture
Students starting to outline the structure of the sand sculpture
Judy Ng presenting her group’s idea to the adjudicators
Students taking photos with the sand sculpture
A group photo of all those involved
Our Team awarded runner-up in the competition