23 Nov 2013
由香港城市大學電腦科學系舉辦的2013 Robocode比賽吸引了180隊參加。本校參賽隊伍入圍決賽,其中一隊更在決賽連勝四場。兩位同學劉焯楠 (5A) 和馮慶麟(5A)獲得亞軍及傑出表現獎狀。獎項包括有三星 Galaxy Tab 3 平板電腦兩部、獎杯乙座。領隊鍾富源老師獲得最佳教練金獎獎杯。
Students and Mr. Chung Fu Yuen receiving the First Runner-up prize and Golden Coach Award respectively
The team entering the final
A snapshot of the screen during the competition
Students being interviewed
Group photo with the other winning schools
Group photo