05 May 2014
本校表演的劇目‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ ,改編自莎士比亞的《仲夏夜之夢》。
1. 傑出演員獎
2. 傑出合作獎
We obtained the Award for Outstanding Performer (Bloom Gabriella Marisol Blake (S.3C), second row, sixth from the left; Davison Audrey Georgina, first row, third from the left; and Law Kee Yau (S.5A), first row, second from the left; and the whole team won the Award for Outstanding Cooperation.
Egeus (second from the left), father of Hermia, is asking the Duke of Athens, Thesus, (third from the left) to force his daughter, Hermia (first from the left), to marry Demetrius.
Lysander (left) and Hermia (right) are planning to elope.
Oberon (right) is having a row with Titania (left).
The mechanicals are rehearsing for their performance on the Duke’s wedding day.
Students listening to comments from judges after the performance