06 Dec 2014
二零一二至二零一三年度周年畢業暨頒獎典禮已於十二月十四日(星期六),在本校禮堂舉行。本校承蒙香港大學內科及肝臟科黎青龍教授 蒞臨主禮及頒獎授憑。
The Arrival of our Guest-of-honour Professor Lai Ching Lung
Professor Lai greeting our teachers before the commencement of the ceremony
Principal Au delivering the Annual School Report of students’ excellent results attained last year
S.6 graduates representatives receiving certificates from Professor Lai
Professor Lai delivering an inspiring speech
Chow King Fun and Zhou Guanqun performing a dramatic duologue after prize presentation
School Choir performing a beautiful song ‘Be a Candle of Hope’ conducted by Mr Ng
School Orchestra performing a harmonious piece
Professor Lai meeting with students who are interested in the medical profession