08 Feb 2015
本校同學王振釗(五乙)、朱世麟(五丁)及郭家豪(五戊)組成的隊伍奪得高中組香港工程挑戰賽 2014 VEX 機械人錦標賽創新獎,陳民望(一戊)、卓海華(一戊)、趙康銚(一戊)及鄒景楠(一戊)組成的隊伍則獲得初中組香港工程挑戰賽 2014 VEX 機械人錦標賽體育精神獎。
Final Checking of the robot
Final Checking of the robot
Group photo for High School Division and their robots
Competition in progress
Competition in progress
Presenting the innovation design of robots to professors
HK Tech Challenge Game 2014 VEX Robotics Tournament Innovate Award
HK Tech Challenge Game 2014 VEX Robotics Tournament Innovate Award
Photo of VEX teams, teacher, parent and the robot.