21 May 2015
「國際可持續發展項目奧林匹克競賽」(簡稱I-SWEEEP)是由宇宙基金會(CF)及美國國家航空航天局(NASA)共同主辦的可持續發展科研項目競賽,競賽對象為中學生,每年5月於美國德克薩斯州休斯敦市舉行。 本校有幸連續兩年均有學生能成功入選為香港代表隊,並憑出色科研「革命 • 紅菜頭」,於環境管理組別獲得銀獎。香港區頒獎典禮已於二零一五年五月廿一日在香港科技園舉行。
Group photo taken in the departure hall of the Hong Kong International Airport
Students busy setting the booth setting
Final outlook of our booth display
Students busy all the time introducing and sharing their invention to visitors.
Visitors praising their innovative and creative ideas from their project
Students taking an American school bus to NASA
Site visit to the headquarters of NASA, Johnson Space Center
Students being amazed by the facilities and rocket inside the space center.
Students capturing the Silver Medal in the category of Environmental Management
Hong Kong prize presentation ceremony was held in the Science and Technology Park.
Experience sharing by our students in the prize presentation ceremony
Experience sharing by our students in the prize presentation ceremony
Students busy all the time introducing and sharing their invention to visitors.
Photo taken in front of a rocket