28 May 2015

本校在2015 校際 Battle of the Books 決賽獲勝

本校於五月二十八日參與於迦密柏雨中學舉行之Hong Kong Battle of the Books 決賽;並與該校、旅港開平商會中學、滙基書院及保良局董玉娣中學切磋,進行共十二回合之比賽。本校最終奪得冠軍。 是次比賽旨在鼓勵閱讀,讓同學能多接觸優秀的文學作品。

  • Students taking turns to answer questions

  • The champions taking a photo with the Hong Kong Battle of the Books organizers

  • Our competitors given centre-stage after becoming the CHAMPION at the 2015 Hong Kong Inter-school Battle of the Books finals

  • Rejoicing after winning the HKBoB competition

  • What a relief! Tension and anxiety melts into utter excitement!