26 Jan 2013


本校共派出兩隊高中同學陳子康(4A)、馮慶麟(4A)、劉焯楠(4A)、李晧晴(4A)、梁展晞(4A)、陳曉樂(4B)、盧琬程(4B)和何恩臨(4D) 參加由香港青年協會主辦的2012/13 香港機關王競賽,其中一隊獲得高中組優異獎。



  • Students receiving the Honourable Mentions Award

  • Group photo with their product

  • Students on the start of the competition

  • Students building their product

  • Students building their product

  • Students building their product

  • Students testing their product

  • A judge checking their product

  • Students explaining their idea and the concept behind the product to a judge