18 Feb 2017
和平大使文化慶典 2017 - 由香港聯合國教科文組織協會主辦
在2017年2月18日的科學園,我校同學參加了和平大使文化慶典 2017。目的為使同學加深對各國文化的認識及尊重,體現文化共融的氣息,我校學生透過介紹埃及的物質文化遺產和文字,鼓勵社會以欣賞及包容態度接觸世界文明、各國文化及人民,並加強對「可持續發展」的意識。
Our students introducing the importance of sustainable development in mental health to Mr Eddie Ng Hak Kim, SBS, JP Secretary for Education
A photo of guests and our students
The theme of our game booth – Window of the World, Egypt
Our student learning the culture about Saudi Arabia through the game booth
A poster displaying the important activities in Egypt
Students promoting the ancient letter from Egypt to public