19 Jun 2020
19/20年度中二級專題研習簡報於六月中旬順利進行。本年度研習之主題為「關愛世界」。同學利用全學年去完成專題研習,全級共二十五組均有機會在台上透過話劇和簡報形式向評判、老師和同學們分享他們的研究成果。 本年度的專題研習簡報會頒發了多個獎項,當中C5組勇奪本學年「最佳專題研習獎」總冠軍、「最佳專題研習獎」科學獎及「最佳簡報獎」,A5組贏得「最佳專題研習獎」人文學獎,E1組獲得「最佳專題研習獎」亞軍,C4組獲得「最佳專題研習獎」季軍,A4組獲得「最佳專題研習獎」殿軍。另六名優異獎得獎者為E3組、A2組、A5組、B5組、D3組及C3組。(詳細得獎名單,請參閱英文版。)
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Students conducting presentation to share their new discoveries with teachers and their classmates.
Our adjudicators demanded students’ immediate oral defence on their projects by asking challenging questions to the groups
Our adjudicators demanded students’ immediate oral defence on their projects by asking challenging questions to the groups
Our adjudicators demanded students’ immediate oral defence on their projects by asking challenging questions to the groups
Principal Ho did the sharing with students on how to improve the project skills and presentation skills in prize presentation ceremony.
Group C5 was awarded 1st Place Grand Award (Project of the Year).
Group E1 was awarded 2nd Place Grand Award.
Group C4 was awarded 3rd Place Grand Award.
Group A4 was awarded 4th Place Grand Award
Best presenters