18 Apr 2011


中六理科二班同學在四月十八日應邀參加香港科學館「阿爾伯特.愛因斯坦(1879-1955)」專題展覽開幕儀式並參看預覽,其間亦出席恩斯特教授 (1991年諾貝爾獎化學獎得獎者) 主講「為地球美好的將來需負上的責任」的科學講座。該活動由柳啟瑞(香港科學館顧問)及何俊文老師率領。同學都藉此寶貴的機會,擴闊視野,及提高對物理的興趣。

  • A moment before the Opening Ceremony

  • Dr CL Mak and his assistant introduce the in-site experiment through the web. Our students will soon get the login name and password to book the sytem invented by Poly U and do the menchanics and wave experiments.

  • Students experience the queer landscape as he approaches the speed of light.