18 Apr 2011

Visit to Science Museum Special Exhibition

In order to broaden their horizon and to arose their interest in remote-controlled experiments, two groups of S.6 students taking Physics visited the Applied Physics Department of PolyU on the 11th and 12th April respectively.


Students of S.6S2 were invited to the Opening Ceremony and preview the Hong Kong Science Museum Special Exhibition "Albert Einstein (1879-1955)" on 18th April 2011. They also attended in between the science lecture on "Our Responsibility in View of a Beneficial Global Future" by Professor Ernst, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry in 1991. Dr. K. S. Lau (an Advisor of the Science Museum) and Mr. C. M. Ho led the students, and students took this precious opportunity to broaden their horizons and enhance their interest in physics.

  • A moment before the Opening Ceremony

  • Dr CL Mak and his assistant introduce the in-site experiment through the web. Our students will soon get the login name and password to book the sytem invented by Poly U and do the menchanics and wave experiments.

  • Students experience the queer landscape as he approaches the speed of light.