09 Apr 2011
我校五位中五同學組隊參加由經濟日報及英語街舉辦的世界音樂祭,成功於兩次初賽擊敗全港近 200隊,獲得在嘉年華展出作品的機會。此活動旨在訓練同學的英語表達技巧,以及提供接觸多元文化的機會。我校隊伍選擇法國音樂為題,向來賓以嫻熟的英語介紹法國音樂的重要資訊,並以小提琴奏樂數首,趣味盎然。
Group photo during booth preparation
Nice T-shirt – simple but creative
Passionate visitor
Prof. Cheng Kai Ming, one of the Guests of Honour, visiting our booth before the Opening Ceremony
Principal Au Kwong Wing receiving a souvenir from the host
French tunes bewitching the guests
Communicating with the judge
Attracting attention
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