24 Aug 2021
為了提升學生的情緒健康並減輕他們的壓力,本校輔導組擬在 2021-2022 學年推廣正向教育和靜觀練習。來年的朋輩輔導員參加了賽馬會平行心間 - 聖雅各福群會提供的暑期培訓工作坊(共十八小時),以助他們學習有關的知識和技巧,以便他們在明年帶領同學進行靜觀小組練習。
Stretching may affect your mind as well as body. When done in a slow and focused manner, an extended stretching routine can be an excellent relaxation method and stress reducer.
Essential oils can help regulate mood and bring about a sense of peace, comfort, or help with attention and focus
“It would seem that meditating by coffee is an oxymoron,” says Gloria Chadwick, the author of “Zen Coffee: A Guide to Mindful Meditation.” “Coffee jazzes you up and meditation calms you down.”
A mood tracker is to help look for patterns in how moods vary over time and due to different situations and circumstances
The Peer Counsellors learnt how to describe one’s characteristics.
Clay sculptures made by the Peer Counsellors
The Peer Counsellors paired up and worked on the same piece of drawing in the Expressive Art Workshop.
The Peer Counsellors paired up and worked on the same piece of drawing in the Expressive Art Workshop.
The Peer Counsellors paired up and worked on the same piece of drawing in the Expressive Art Workshop.