08 Mar 2012


11/12年度中二級專題研習簡報會於三月八日於禮堂順利進行。本年度研習之主題為「可持續發展」。十二組決賽隊伍均全力以赴,透過話劇和簡報形式向評判、老師和同學們分享他們的研究成果。當中研究題目的範圍甚廣,有關於非物質遺產的如針灸(B2組)、雜貨店在香港的發展和持續性(E3組) ;環境問題如電子廢物的處理(E5組),也有關於可持續發展的題目如利用水果(D1組)和廢水產生電能(A4組)等。本校前任校長周錫昌校長和陳凱琪老師擔任嘉賓,就報告的內容向各參賽隊伍提問並給予他們的寶貴意見。



  • The MCs of the Hall Presentation, Grace Tang (left) and Keith Wan (right) of S.2D

  • Group C2 being challenged by adjudicators in the Q & A Session

  • With his terrific dramatic skills, Anson Hou (Group A1) being one of the ten Best Presenters

  • Former principal Mr. Chow Sik-cheong and Ms. Chan Hoi-kei raising questions and providing suggestions to the project groups

  • Group A1, winner of Best Project (Science), presenting their findings from their experiment on ‘Adsorption of lead ions by food waste’

  • Group A1, winner of Best Project (Science), presenting their findings from their experiment on ‘Adsorption of lead ions by food waste’

  • Group B2, winner of Best Project (Humanities), presenting their project on ‘The development and sustainability of acupuncture in Hong Kong’, with Hazel Wong (middle) being awarded one of the Best Presenters

  • Students from Group E3, first runner-up of Best Project (Humanities), presenting their Conclusion of their project ‘The sustainability of grocery stores under competition from chain convenience stores in Hong Kong’

  • Students from Group A4, first runner-up of Best Project (Science), working on a project about ‘Electricity from wastewater’

  • Group leader of Group A4, Clary Chung, being awarded one of the ten Best Presenters

  • Students from Group C5, second runner-up of Best Project (Science), on their project ‘Green Plastics’

  • Principal, Mr Au, commenting on students’ presentation

  • Principal announcing results of ten Best Presenters

  • The Overall Champion of Hall Presentation 2011-2012 is Group A1, investigating the topic ‘Adsorption of lead ions by food waste’