16 Sep 2011

「GO FUN低碳達人」項目

「GO FUN低碳達人」項目由世界自然基金會香港分會主辦,參加者將有機會親身參與一系列的多元化活動,透過互動體驗,增強對氣候變化及可持續生活模式的認識。我校共有六位「低碳達人」(4A何穎琪、4A吳國集、4A崔雍建、4A王雅瑩、4D林凱晴同學及何迪信老師)組隊參與是次計劃,在誓師大會過後,一同參與九月十六至十八日的低碳體驗營,調查了海下灣珊瑚礁生態及環境污染,也協助清理紅樹叢林中的微金菊,更親身體驗有機耕作及到大埔新市鎮考察,了解城市規劃與可持續發展的關係,計劃希望幫助同學更可學以致用,發揮無限創意,於未來一年將低碳環保訊息推廣至學校及社區。

  • Dr. William Yu, the Head of Climate Program from WWF, giving a seminar titled "Climate Change in a Nutshell"

  • Lillian (left) making her own T-shirt of Low Carbon Guru

  • Our team with our tailor-made colourful T-shirts of Low Carbon Guru

  • Students investigating the rocky shore habitat in Hoi Ha Wan

  • Lillian and Viki with their designed postcards on the theme "Climate Change"

  • A group clearing Micro micrantha in Mai Po mangrove marshes

  • Lillian and Viki selecting leaves to make their herbal tea in Kadoorie Farm

  • All Low Carbon Gurus gathering at the Hall to swear of promoting sustainability to their communities

  • A group with their tailor-made table using paper boxes

  • Students investigating the coral reef communities in Hoi Ha Wan

  • communities in Hoi Ha Wan Students busy making their own chairs by cutting paper boxes

  • Our camp logo designed by WWF