30 Nov 2014


The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) 為最具影響力的國際性資訊及通訊科技競賽。旨在促進ICT的合作與發展。希望可藉此平台進行跨國交流並相互激發ICT創新與創造能力,促進區域經濟貿易合作和技術轉移。

本校中五甲班學生鍾曉榆和黃皓欣榮幸獲邀代表香港特別行政區參與在印尼雅加達舉行的「亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎2014」。 她們的作品「慈善追擊」更在學校組別芸芸的參賽作品中脫穎而出獲頒發「優異獎」。


  • Students demonstrating their product “ValueHunt” to visitors for HK reception event

  • Students making new friends to extend their networking.

  • Wong Ho Yan Veronica and the project reviewer Professor Jimmy Lee from CUHK. Prof. Lee had given valuable comments on their presentation for their preparation for APICTA.

  • Their project “ValueHunt” has been awarded “Merit” in the category of “School Project” at APICTA 2014 on 31 November, 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Chung Hiu Yu and Wong Ho Yan Veronica with their award