30 Nov 2014

The Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2014

The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) is an international program that provides a platform for innovators and entrepreneurs in the sector in this region to benchmark their products and to broaden their network. During 27 November – 1 December, 2014, the event was held in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Hong Kong Computer Society nominated Chung Hiu Yu (S.5A) and Wong Ho Yan Veronica (S.5A) of our School to be two of the Hong Kong representatives in APICTA 2014. Our students’ project “ValueHunt” was awarded “Merit” in category of “School Projects” on 30th November, 2014.

This year, the Hong Kong team has bagged 3 grand awards and 7 merits totally at APICTA 2014. CFSS is honoured to be the only awardee in the school project category for Hong Kong.

  • Students demonstrating their product “ValueHunt” to visitors for HK reception event

  • Students making new friends to extend their networking.

  • Wong Ho Yan Veronica and the project reviewer Professor Jimmy Lee from CUHK. Prof. Lee had given valuable comments on their presentation for their preparation for APICTA.

  • Their project “ValueHunt” has been awarded “Merit” in the category of “School Project” at APICTA 2014 on 31 November, 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Chung Hiu Yu and Wong Ho Yan Veronica with their award