16 Jun 2020

Prize Presentation for the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition

Eight of our students have participated in the fourth Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition as presented by the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Society of Biology in December 2019. They have been selected by the adjudicator panel in recognition of their remarkable drawings and received the awards as listed below. Due to concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, the official Prize Presentation Ceremony did not take place this year. We were honoured to have our Principal, Mr. Ho, presenting the certificates to the awardees at our school.

  • Highly Commended Award (Junior Secondary): 3C Choi Ying Tung

  • Merit (Junior Secondary): 3C Tam Ching Nok

  • Merit (Junior Secondary): 3C Yim Oi Ki

  • Outstanding Award (Senior Secondary): 5C Wu Wing Man

  • Outstanding Award (Senior Secondary): 4A Sun Ho Wing

  • Highly Commended Award (Senior Secondary): 5A Tsang Sin Tung Natalie

  • Highly Commended Award (Senior Secondary): 4A Yeung Hoi Ching

  • Merit (Senior Secondary): 4A Li Sze Ching

  • A group photo of the awardees with Principal Ho and the Green Guru Teachers