07 Dec 2019
Annual Speech Day (2018 – 2019)
The Annual Speech Day (2018 – 2019) was successfully held at the School Hall on 7 December 2019 (Saturday). It was our honour by the presence of Prof. Y.C. Richard Wong, SBS, JP, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, to address the occasion and present prizes.
The Arrival of our Guest-of-honour Prof. Y.C. Richard Wong, SBS, JP
Professor Wong greeting our teachers before the commencement of the ceremony
Mr. Ho, our Acting School Principal, delivering the annual school report
S.6 graduates receiving certificates from Professor Wong
Professor Wong addressing the occasion
School Strings Orchestra performing ‘‘The Simple Symphony’’ by Benjamin Britten
Scholarship awardees having a group photo with Guest-of-honour and SMC members
Awardees receiving prizes from the Guest-of-honour