19 May 2016

CFSS Students Returned Gladly with the Third Grant Award in the 67th World Final of Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF)

The 67th World Final of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) was hosted in Phoenix, USA, during 7 - 13 May 2016. As the world's largest international pre-college science competition, it provides an annual forum for more than 1,700 high school students together with 1,300 projects from over 70 countries, regions, and territories to showcase their independent research and inventions. Our school team (Nicole Fong, Felice Tang and Bernard Chan from S.5) participated in the World Final of the Intel ISEF under the category of Energy: Chemical. With the outstanding project named “Sencha Power”, our students were successfully awarded the Third Place Grand Award under this category. Hong Kong prize presentation ceremony was held on 19 May 2016.

  • Group photo taken in the departure hall of the Hong Kong International Airport

  • Students busy setting the booth setting

  • Students busy setting the booth setting

  • Safety Inspection conducted by Intel ISEF official

  • Making friends with finalists from Japan

  • Making friends with finalists from Israel

  • Final rehearsal in front of other Hong Kong team members

  • Student visiting booths from other finalists

  • Students busy all the time introducing and sharing their invention to visitors

  • Visitors praising their innovative and creative ideas from their project

  • Students capturing the Third Grant Award in the category of Energy : Chemical

  • in the category of Energy : Chemical Students receiving an interview from CCTV

  • City tour in Phoenix, USA

  • Hong Kong prize presentation ceremony

  • Experience sharing by our students in the prize presentation ceremony