Our Students’ video work winning the “Most-liked video on internet” in the 50th CMA Short-film Competition supported by HKBPE
Three groups of students participated in the 50th CMA Short-film Competition, which is organized by the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong and HKBPE annually. One of the three groups obtained the prize of “Most-liked video on the internet” in Secondary School section.
Here goes the link of their work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sgvjszbuk0 (Team Members: Wong Wang Sing Carson, Cheung Cheuk Yin Gene, Ng Wing Yu and Lau Tsau Gwen )
Other two groups’ video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11bQLsbGtkQ (Team Members: Lau Ka Pik Sabrina, Tsui Wai Nam and Lau Tammi Hiu Tung ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DaIJC45VKE (Team Members: Wu Ashley, Lee Man Ki, Wong Hiu Yee Corliss, Lee Dong Ching , Chan Nai To, Tang Ching Man Felice and Chan Yan To)