26 Nov 2022

CFSS Obtaining Gold Award (Secondary Section) in The Education Bureau STEAM Education Fair 2022

Our school accords high importance in STREAM Education. Branching from STEM, STEAM to STREAM, we include “R” (Reading and Writing) and “A” (Art and Design) to offer inter-disciplinary learning opportunities for our students.

We advocate “All Start from Trees”. Surrounded by over 1000 species of plants in campus, such a vast plant biodiversity cultivates students-centered learning and project learning using plants as the natural resources. We have a Stevenson Screen with thermometers measuring the temperature and relative humidity inside to monitor the micro-climate in our environmental trail. The measured data can be synchronized and shown on mobile apps or websites instantly to show the weather change. Through summarizing, analyzing and investigating the data, students can get to know more about the microhabitats in different parts of the environmental trail and use this data for further inquiries. Furthermore, our ICT students tailor-made a weather monitoring system with 3D printing and Arduino board.

Our strenuous efforts to promote inter-disciplinary education paid off, by having obtained the Gold Award (Secondary Section) in The Education Bureau STEAM Education Fair 2022 dated 26th November 2022.