28 Sep 2021

CFSS Attending the Publication Event of Teaching and Learning Pack of the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project

Being one of the six pioneering schools of the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project, our school has been making strenuous efforts to adopt student-centred learning approaches in AI teaching. Open-ended questions provide room for students to reason, think and reflect on the rationale of Artificial Intelligence, which in turn helps students develop computational thinking capabilities. Meanwhile, with the incorporation of AI toolkits as lesson activities, students are given hands-on practice to develop AI applications by themselves.

During the publication event of Teaching and Learning Pack of the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project dated 28th September 2021, our teachers shared the importance of co-creating the AI curriculum and post-lesson reflection in animating the climate of AI learning in secondary schools. Our S.3 student representative, Chen Wing Yee, also shared her feedback after attending AI lessons for three years during the event.

  • A group photo of our school representatives of the event. (Assistant Principal Mr. Lam Chi Wai, Jimmy, S.3 student Chen Wing Ye

  • Our student being the student representative of the project to take a group photo with the representatives from The Innovation a

  • Our teachers sharing our experiences of AI teaching.

  • Our student sharing her experiences of AI learning.