30 Aug 2023

Grand Opening Ceremony of Smart Counselling Room

The Smart Counselling Room was successfully unveiled on 30 August 2023 (Tue). Our school was honour to have invited Supervisor of YMCA (Chai Wan) Centre Mr. Potin So, The Director of The Third Teacher Limited Mr. Edmond Wong, Chinese National Tea Artist of HK Kau Chau Tea Company Limited Ms. Katherine Hung, Chairman of Parent-Teacher Association Ms. Yvonne Lee and School Principal Mr. Ho Tik Shun to officiate at the Opening Ceremony.

The Smart Counselling Room was established in the root of five components of PERMA, namely:

  1. P (Positive Emotions)
  2. E (Engagement)
  3. R (Positive Relationship)
  4. M (Meaning)
  5. A (Accomplishment)

The Room includes a meditation zone where students could relax themselves with the provided cushions on the floor and the cosy seats at the side. This is also an area suitable for tea appreciation, play of steel tongue drum, mindfulness and meditation. There is another zone installed with television, VR spectacles and e-sport games for students to enjoy and establish positive relationships. Another corner houses various good books recommended by teachers related to psychological health and personal growth. In addition to this reading corner, students can enjoy playing chess and card games in the Room.