26 Aug 2024

Master class by Violinist Ms. Lin Wei

Ms. Lin Wei, one of the advisors for our International Mentorship Program, has served as a concertmaster and violin teacher in various countries. On August 26th, 2024, she gave a master class to our promising violin students.

During the class, the students played their own selected pieces, and Ms. Lin provided thoughtful comments to each one individually. She also led the students in playing some songs together as a group.

The students greatly benefited from Ms. Lin's guidance. She encouraged them to discover the music for themselves, rather than being spoon-fed by others. She emphasized the importance of understanding the meaning and emotion behind the songs they played, rather than just focusing on the technical aspects.

Ms. Lin's expertise, patience, and passion for music inspired the students and helped them develop a deeper appreciation for the violin and the art of performance.