04 Oct 2008

The 8th PTA AGM

The 8th Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was successfully held on 4 October, 2008. With the full support of parents and teachers, six parent committee members were elected. Apart from the meeting, two guest speakers were also invited to give talks. The first one was a sharing from Dr Cheung, an experienced doctor and a S.1 parent, who guided us how to counteract the contamination of dairy products. The second one was from Mr. Ringo Chan, an experienced Registered Social Worker, who gave us insights into how to foster responsibility in children. Both talks were well received by the audience.

  • 王紹光助理校長正在介紹各位候選人的參選理念。

  • 第八屆家長教師會委員合照。

  • 資深社工陳志雄先生跟家長一起探討「如何提昇子女的責任心」。

  • 家長張國明醫生就「問題奶類製品所引起的病徵及處理方法」進行短講。