23 Sep 2008

Drama Performance

Baptista is one of the rich men in Italy, who has two daughters, named Katherine and Bianca. Katherine is a smart but arrogant “shrew.” She is dreadful to each and every man that no one would want to marry Katherine. But her younger sister is a sweet lady that every man in Italy wants to marry her. Baptista and his wife are afraid that Katherine won’t be able to get married in the future, but Katherine doesn’t seem care about it. Petruchio, a smart, witty man who gets interested in Katherine and marries her, also uses all methods to tame Katherine the shrew. How will Petruchio tame Katherine the shrew? Can he make it? Let’s wait and see!

  • 中一至中三同學於禮堂內觀看該劇演出

  • 三位演員演出具幽默感

  • 男主角背起了女主角

  • 男主角肆意踢打他的僕人

  • 男女主角帶著懷疑的眼光看僕人

  • 四位主角向台下觀眾分享該劇的演出

  • 同學們踴躍提出問題

  • 四位主角邀請同學上台分享