05 Feb 2010

Planting seedlings, showing care

Each S1 students received a Pansy seedling on Learning Activities Day I. They took care of the plants for about two months. The best ten plants were given as a gift to the newly immigrated children in tuition workshop.

  • Children in tuition workshop received plants from our students. 本校學生將美麗的三色堇送給功輔班的學生

  • Children in tuition workshop received plants from our students. 本校學生將美麗的三色堇送給功輔班的學生

  • Children in tuition workshop received plants from our students. 本校學生將美麗的三色堇送給功輔班的學生

  • On Learning Activities days, S1 students were given the Pansy seedlings 在活動學習日,中一學生得到三色堇苗

  • On Learning Activities days, S1 students were given the Pansy seedlings 在活動學習日,中一學生得到三色堇苗

  • On Learning Activities days, S1 students were given the Pansy seedlings 在活動學習日,中一學生得到三色堇苗