10 Dec 2009

Biology field study course at Ma Wan – Rocky Shore

The Biology Department of our school conducted a field study course for S.5E students on 10th Dec. 09. This course was jointly organized by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen. The content in this course was based on CDC Biology syllabus. Through this ecological study of “Rocky Shore at Ma Wan”, students could develop some skills for sampling and handling equipment. Also, they could develop an interest in studying living organisms and their inter-relationships.

  • Group photo taken at Ho Koon Nature Education Centre.

  • A student is measuring the light intensity using a light meter.

  • A group of students are setting a quadrat for sampling near the sea shore.

  • Students are analyzing the amount of suspended solid in sea water.

  • A student is identifying and recording the seashore animals found.

  • Rocky shore at Ma Wan.

  • Sea Cucumber

  • Acorn Barnacle

  • Sea Anemone

  • Porcelain Crab