29 Oct 2009
Talk on Corporate Sustainability
To further promote the concept of “Sustainable development”, a talk on “Corporate Sustainability” was organized on 29th October 2009. This is one of the talks organized by the Business Environment Council. Again, the talk is a School Outreach Programme sponsored by the Council for Sustainable Development.
Our principal Mr. Au presents a souvenir to the guest speaker, Miss Josephine Wong from Business Environment Council.
Executive members of our school share their views on corporate sustainability with our guest speaker Miss Wong prior to the talk.
Over 400 students and staff attend with great interest.
A Student is invited to come on the stage to count the number of disposable items produced in the KFC lunch set.
Our guest speaker introduces the 15 corporations that have joined the scheme.
Miss Wong suggests what students can do to put sustainability into practice.
Students are enthusiastic in asking and answering questions.