07 Oct 2009

Talk on Regional Sustainability

Sustainable development” is one of the major concerns of our school. This year we have enrolled in the 2009-2010 Sustainable Development School Award Programme organized by the Council for Sustainable Development.


In order to let students understand more the sustainability concept, a talk on “regional sustainability” was organized on 7th Oct., 09. This is a School Outreach Programme sponsored by the Council for Sustainable Development.

  • Executive members of our school share their views on the re-development of Wai Chai District with our guest speaker Miss Chau prior to the talk.

  • The guest speaker Miss Chau Hei Suen from St. James’ Settlement presents the concept of “Regional Sustainability” to our students.

  • Over 400 students and staff attend with great interest.

  • Mr. Au gives a concluding remark and outlines the coming activities related to sustainable development.

  • Our principal Mr. Au presents a souvenir to the guest speaker.

  • Students are enthusiastic in asking and answering questions.