30 Jul 2021

Congratulation to CFSS students to get awards in 22nd Consumer Culture Study Award

Four teams of S2 students conducted a research on consumer culture in their Project-Based Learning. Their work was recognized and attained good results in the 22nd Consumer Culture Award. They grabbed five awards in the event.


考察題目 組別 獎項 學生名單
Opportunities and Threats Regarding to Promotion of Plant-based Meats to Youths in Hong Kong 初級組 亞軍、
2D 陳澤熹
2D 陳伊妮
2D 錢智豐
2D 李翹而
2D 譚子進
2D 謝汶諾
2D 黃悅彤
一眼關七──包裝食品正面的可持續資訊 初級組 傑出作品獎 2D 馮哲圖
2D 何璟琳
2D 關詩澄
2D 蕭皓琳
2D 孫栢暠
2D 黃澤琛
2D 胡承羲
「機」金知多少 初級組 嘉許獎 2C 張恩倩
2C 鍾美柔
2C 何樂天
2C 郭灝添
2C 劉瑜琳
2C 吳卓瑩
2C 邱家瑩
The Rise Of Online Food Delivery Service And Impact On Food Industry 初級組 特別嘉許作品獎

2E 陳啟天
2E 馮正曦
2E 郭禮賢
2E 林旻蓁
2E 廖子霖
2E 沈穎
2E 王嫣晗