24 Jan 2011

6S1 Biology Field Trip (Freshwater Stream)

An ecological field trip on freshwater stream in Tai Mo Shan was organized by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre for Secondary 6S1 students on 24 January 2011. In the field trip, students analyzed how the freshwater stream environment influenced biodiversity and adaptation of the species in the habitat and evaluated human impacts on the environment, supported by numerical data collected from the field and a series of experiment launched in the research centre. Finally, they presented their group findings seriously and went through a question-and-answer session. Protected species like Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton honkongensis) and Small Long-armed Shrimp (Macrobrachium hainanense) were also found in the field study. Apart from enhancing their practical and analytical skills, this field trip helped students realize the importance of ecology conservation in fostering a sustainable environment.

  • Sonic is getting water sample from the freshwater stream for chemical analysis.

  • Shirley and Angie are setting the transect line across the stream to study its vertical profile.

  • Ariel is brushing off the snails and water pennies inhabited underneath the rock.

  • This is the Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton honkongensis), a protected species under Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170. When threatened, it releases a toxic secretion and may also feign death, rolling onto its back and exposing its brightly coloured belly.

  • Wing and Tiffany Ho are classifying the sampled organisms using the identification key.

  • Hercules, Kefee and Jeremy are searching for the fish seeping in between rock crevices.

  • The one above is a small long-armed shrimp (Macrobrachium hainanense), a nocturnal shrimp which is a generalist predator that feeds primarily on slow-moving or sedentary benthic macroinvertebrates. The one above is the Goby (Rhinogobius sp.), a common genus found in the freshwater stream.

  • Karen and Cherry are measuring the light intensity of the habitat using a luxmeter.

  • Tiffany Yung, Ariel, Mandy and Michelle have discovered a clump of green algae in the nearby polluted water.

  • The whole class of 6S1 shows their triumph in the field site.

  • Kelvin and Sonic are filtering the water sample with a vacuum pump to study its level of Total Suspended Solids (T.S.S.).

  • Karen's group is using a pH meter to find out the pH level of a water sample.

  • Tiffany Yung is carefully extracting a thin thread of green algae for microscopic study.

  • Tiffany Ho is measuring the ammonium and phosphate content of a water sample with a spectrophotometer.

  • Jeremy is studying the morphology of the green algae at high magnification.

  • This is the green algae spirogyra sp., named for its helical or spiral arrangement of the chloroplasts. This particular algal species, commonly found in polluted water, is often referred to as "pond scum".

  • Mr. Ho is guiding students on preparation of their presentation.

  • Cherry is describing the zonation pattern of flora and fauna along the freshwater river.

  • Wilken is measuring the dissolved oxygen content of a water sample using a sensor device.

  • Zelos is explaining the correlation of water pollution and high algal content in the field site.

  • Our school takes a group photo with our partner school, Textile Institute American Chamber of Commerce Woo Hon Fai Secondary School, at the entrance of Ho Koon Centre.