19 Dec 2010

CMA 2nd Short Film Ad Competition for Secondary School Students

The competition was co-organized by The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and Sing Tao News Corporation Limited. All S.3 students utilized their creativity and video-editing skills learned in I.T. lessons to make a short video advertising a brand in the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo. Congratulations to 4 students from S.3A (Lo Hiu Wah, Ng Kwok Chap, Wong Lillian and Yeung Chung Yau) who got "The Representative Award of Catalo" and "The Best Screenplay Award" in this competition.

  • 得獎學生合照 (左起: 王雅瑩、吳國集、楊宗祐、盧曉樺)

  • 得獎學生合照 (左起: 楊宗祐、盧曉樺、王雅瑩、吳國集)

  • 老師及得獎學生在工展會舉行的頒獎典禮中留影

  • 入圍學生拍照留念