14 Jul 2012

Sustainable Development School Award Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony

We have joined the 2010 – 2012 Sustainable Development School Award Program. It was rewarding that more than 150 pioneer students, including Low-Carbon Gurus, Environmental Perfects, Student Council committee members and Leaders of Tomorrow, joined hands continually to promote SD within the school and in the community. We managed a booth in the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo 2010. Students put the acquired concepts into practice and conveyed the message via interactive games, practical carbon emission (carbon footprint) calculations, impressive thematic poster and video exhibitions on Climate Change, and most importantly, personal interactions with the visitors. With the same vision in mind, we organized the Thematic Booth in YMCA Chai Wan Centre in Siu Sai Wan Estate in January 2012, with the theme of “Climate Change: Recruitment for Low-Carbon Ice-Savers”. Our effort was also publicized through the self-designed webpages to enlighten the public the importance of SD and environmental conservation. We further extended our network to share our mission on a global basis through online platforms of You-tube and Facebook.


We are glad to announce that our school has been given the Gold Award school out of the 42 participating schools. 20 teachers and students participated in the Prize Presentation Ceremony on 14 July 2012 (Saturday) at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jokey Club Building to share our honor. This paves the way for our school to foster a more sustainable society in the coming years.

  • Principal Mr. Au signing the board at his arrival

  • An abridged version of our two-year long SD project

  • Evelyn Wong (S.5A), Judy Ng (S.5A) and Yi Yan (S.5A) having paid much effort in managing the booth in the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo 2010

  • Low-carbon Gurus having spared no effort to set up the Thematic Booth in YMCA Chai Wan Center in January 2012

  • Samuel Tsui (S.4A) and Judy Ng (S.5A) representing our school to receive the Gold Award Trophy

  • Twinkle Lam (S.4D), one of our Low-carbon Gurus, playing trick with the world-noted magician Louis Yan

  • A group photo of our school with the Gold Award Trophy