CFSS Pre-S.1 Interdisciplinary Experiential Learning Programme
To allow our pre-S.1 students to know more about our school, the Pre-S.1 Interdisciplinary Experiential Learning Programme was launched on 21st April (Sat). The Programme in the morning centred on Science, Mathematics and Astronomy while that in the afternoon focused on Robotics and Information Technology. The Programme received high praise from all 120 pre-S.1 students. They gained the precious experience of entering the Science & Sustainable Development Resource Centre and the well-equipped Computer Centre. Through a variety of workshops, experiments and demonstrations, they experienced creativity education and realized the essence of our School’s junior-form school-based curriculum.
Two more Experiential Learning Programmes are in the pipeline: Visual Arts & Music (19 May) and Language & Sports (30 June). CFSS Pre-S.1 students, don’t miss them!