07 Aug 2021

CFSS Getting Fruitful Results in the Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition 2021

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition 2021 (jointly organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Science Museum and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation) is a significant science competition for secondary schools. Eight teams of CFSS students participated in the project competition this year. After the initial and final judging, our school finally received 1 award in the junior division and 2 awards in the senior division.


Project Title

Team Members


AISight: An AI-powered Object Detector for the Visually impaired
AISight: 為視力障礙人士而設的人工智能輔助物件監測器

Chu Pak Hei (S.3B)
Leung Kwan Ki (S.5B)
Chan Chun Yuen Hayden (S.5C)

Teacher supervisor:
Mr Tsang Ka Ho

Social Innovation Award
Best Booth Presentation Award

Oxygen Generator by Using Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

Shum Tsz Kiu (S.3A)
Cheung Pak Yu (S.2E)
Mak Ki Cheong (S.2E)
Yuen Tsz Kiu (S.2E)
Teacher supervisor:
Ms So Ho Yee

Sustainable Develop