CFSS Teachers and Students Delivering Talks in HKAGE
Our school was cordially invited by Dr. Jimmy Wong, Head of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Students, to deliver talks in the Education Trend Seminar, titled “Sustainability in STEM Curriculum Design and Life Education” in the afternoon session on 2nd August 2021. Principal Ho Tik Shun first introduced how CFSS advocated Sustainable Development and STREAM Education in school. Our S.5B students Wong Ka Hei and Cheung Chun Lok Isaac then shared their personal experience in leading Green Gurus Team and School Cleanliness & Environmental Protection Team, incorporating Sustainable Development into community services. Last but not least, Mr. Tong Man Chung Jacky gave some tips to an audience of more than 100 in the Centre and online, on cultivating Green Leaders and fostering “Train-The-Trainer” (T.T.T.) in school.